At Winchester Dental Centre, we take pride in our ability to offer our patients a full suite of high quality dental services. Whether it is a routine dental cleaning or a complex surgery to replace and beautify your teeth, our highly skilled and qualified staff will help educate you and optimize your oral health.

Here is a complete list of all the services we offer at our Winchester location:



Dental Implants

Missing and compromised teeth can cause many issues that directly and irreversibly impact your health, self-confidence and quality of life. There is no better long-term functional solution to replace your missing or damaged teeth than dental implants.


Sedation Dentistry


A choice of single and incremental dose protocols are used to medicate the patient as early as the day before treatment. The medication used can help reduce the memory as well as the sights and smells of the dental office to assist in avoiding recall of any anxiety related trauma.

The sedative effect also allows more dental procedures to be completed in fewer appointments as well as allowing complex procedures to be performed in less overall time.


Nitrous oxide is an odourless gas that is used in combination with pure oxygen to quickly relieve dentistry-related anxiety. As you inhale nitrous oxide, your feelings of anxiety dissolve quickly and be replaced by a warm, gentle and euphoric feeling. Patients have described the experience as peacefully floating into a dreamlike state. For the apprehensive child or adult, nitrous oxide can be the key to an enjoyable, comfortable and anxiety-free dental experience.


Cosmetic Dentistry


Veneers are very thin tooth shaped shells or casings that are attached to the front part of teeth. It is an upgraded version of your existing teeth made up mostly of porcelain or composite resin. We recommend veneers that are made of high quality porcelain as they are technically stronger than composite resin veneers and do not change in colour or stain. Generally speaking, the procedure for porcelain veneers takes about twice the amount of time as composite veneers however the resulting veneers last twice as long.


Zoom is a popular and effective bleaching process that is widely used among Dentists worldwide. It is the most impactful way to lighten any existing discolouration of enamel and dentin.

In this process our Dentists use a patented Zoom Lamp that accelerates the bleaching process by activating the hydrogen peroxide in the whitening agent. As it begins to react, oxygen is permitted to enter the enamel and dentin in order to bleach any stained surfaces while leaving the structure/ shape of the tooth unchanged.


Crowns & Bridges

Dental crowns and bridges help patients who are missing teeth to maintain a full functioning smile. They can fit over injured, discoloured, or cracked teeth and fill spaces that result after dental extractions. When placed, both help protect the teeth from further injuries or damage and in the prevention of any toothaches or discomfort you may experience.




Composite fillings are the most common and popular option. They are very aesthetic since they are available in natural white and cream shades, which match the colour of most teeth. They are also easily integrated into teeth.


Dental amalgam is a mixture of metals that consists of liquid (elemental) mercury and a powdered alloy composed of silver, tin, and copper. Dental amalgam fillings are also known as “silver fillings” because of their silver-like appearance.




Tooth extractions can be a terrifying thought for most patients. Thinking about a surgical procedure to remove one or more wisdom teeth is just giving your brain ammunition for creating anxiety and nervousness. The phrase “it’s not as bad as it sounds”, is a perfect fit for this situation. Not only do our Doctors provide a stress free atmosphere, they also cater to providing you with the upmost comfort by eliminating discomfort through different methods. Learn more on what to expect and what to prepare for when it comes to your teeth being extracted.


Scaling & Root Planning

Scaling and root planing are the most common forms of treatment for gum (periodontal) disease. Gum disease is caused by a sticky bacterial film called plaque which is constantly forming on your teeth.

Scaling removes calculus (also called tartar) and plaque from the tooth surface above and below the gum line. Root planning improves the smoothness of the root's surfaces and removes any remaining calculus in your gums. This is important because plaque and calculus irritate the tissues of your mouth. Without treatment, this irritation leads to gum inflammation, gum recession, bleeding and eventual bone loss around the teeth. 




If you’re someone who has found themselves in a position where you’ve gotten a chipped tooth or even wanted to fill in that slight gap in your front teeth (which no one has ever noticed) that drives you nuts, bonding may be the option for you. With Bonding we match that beautiful Colgate Smile of yours with a crafted material which will fill in or fix any aesthetic imperfections or cracks/ chips on your teeth. Making that dream smile a reality just got a whole lot easier!


Root Canal Treatment

Root canal therapy is a popular and effective treatment for teeth that are severely decayed, infected, or broken. The main benefit is that it allows you to maintain your teeth for an extended period of time rather than having to extract or replace them.